The Rider:

Rider (13379)   →   Austria (402)   →   Arslanyan, Edward


Personal Data:
Name: Edward "Eddi" Arslanyan
Gender: male
Age: 19
Country: Austria
Favourite trick: ts frontflip
Club: Wake life club
Home Cable:
Started Riding: 2016 wake merkur
First Invert: 2018 wakeboardlift wien
Sponsors: wakeboard austria ronixwake Austria
Philosophy of life: Es ist ok etwas nicht zu k�nnen , es ist aber nicht ok etwas nicht zu versuchen.
2024 Best Results:
2023 Best Results:
7th INTL 2 STAR Youth & Senior - Austrian Wakeboard Cup 2U18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
31st INTL 5 STAR IWWF Cable Wakeboard YOUTH & SENIOR EUROPEANS U18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
n.b. some results may not be included in current rankings.
-= The official website of the EAME Cable Wakeboard Council and the Cable Wakeboard World Council =-