The Rider:

Rider (13386)   →   Germany (1550)   →   Otten, Luke

Luke Otten

Personal Data:
Name: Luke Otten
Gender: male
Age: 17
Country: Germany
Favourite trick: TS Backroll to revert
Club: ADW
Home Cable: Blaue Lagune
Started Riding: 2012 Blaue Lagune
First Invert: Air Railey 10.17 Hip Notics
Sponsors: DUP DOUBLE UP WAKEBOARDS , Jetpilot-Europe, POD International, Amici Beach Cablepark
Philosophy of life: 1
2025 Best Results:
2024 Best Results:
3rd INTL 4 STAR CWWC Tour Final 2024U18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
2nd INTL 3 STAR Austrian Wakeboard Cup 2024-4U18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
6th NAT 3 STAR Deutsche Meisterschaft Wakeboard Cable SalzgitterU18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
13rd INTL 4 STAR Cold Water Classic 24U18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
17th INTL 4 STAR X-Wake OpeningU18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
3rd NAt 2 STAR Offene Hessische Meisterschaft 2024U18 (Junior Men)Wakeboard
n.b. some results may not be included in current rankings.
-= The official website of the EAME Cable Wakeboard Council and the Cable Wakeboard World Council =-