The Rider:

Rider (13382)   →   Guatemala (1)   →   Castellanos, Katya


Personal Data:
Name: Katya "Steezy" Castellanos
Gender: female
Age: 23
Country: Guatemala
Favourite trick: Stalefish to late backside indy 180
Club: GUAke Girls
Home Cable: Laguna WakePark
Started Riding: 2006
First Invert: Tantrum
Sponsors: Liquid Force, Nectar, GlideSoul, Loosekid, Maruan, SurfEars, & SurfSkate
Philosophy of life: If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't.
2025 Best Results:
2024 Best Results:
n.b. some results may not be included in current rankings.
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