The Rider:

Rider (13379)   →   Poland (503)   →   Bonder, Maciek


Personal Data:
Name: Maciek "Maciek" Bonder
Gender: male
Age: 44
Country: Poland
Favourite trick: I'm still looking
Club: Acroboard
Home Cable: Wake Family Brwinów
Started Riding: 2015 Wawawake
First Invert: 2017 Wake Family
Sponsors: Wife
Philosophy of life: Go harder
Homepage: http://-
2024 Best Results:
2nd INTL 3 STAR International Polish Championship - URBANWAKE+40 (Veteran Men)Wakeboard
3rd NAT 3 STAR Polish Nationals 2024+40 (Veteran Men)Wakeboard
2023 Best Results:
5th INTL 4 STAR Cold Water Classic+30 (Masters Men)Wakeboard
2nd INTL 3 STAR The Spin Cup+40 (Veteran Men)Wakeboard
3rd NAT 3 STAR Polish Nationals 2023+40 (Veteran Men)Wakeboard
4th INTL 3 STAR BLACKCOMB.CZ COMMUNITY WAKE CUP 2023+40 (Veteran Men)Wakeboard
13rd INTL 5 STAR IWWF Cable Wakeboard YOUTH & SENIOR EUROPEANS +40 (Veteran Men)Wakeboard
1st NAT 1 STAR Two Tower Polish Nationals+40 (Veteran Men)Wakeboard
n.b. some results may not be included in current rankings.
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