The Rider:

Rider (13382)   →   Australia (379)   →   Dipple, Mayce

no image
Personal Data:
Name: Mayce Dipple
Gender: male
Age: 31
Country: Australia
Favourite trick: heel clicker
Club: Bli Bli
Home Cable: bli bli
Started Riding: blibli 2007
First Invert: blibli 2007
Sponsors: no sponsors, but shoutouts to gowake makay crew, blibli cable park crew, maccormicks cable crew, boardstore, mum, dad, bell, ethan, cam prest, alex gradon, cam prest, levi piddington, jonathen scott dickie, braden ioi, kyle mccutcheon, jacob vinall, aaron reed, danny hampson, andrew fortenberry, bammer rehn,jack and joe battleday james windsor, daniel grant, dustin hart, matt rogers, matt edwards, blair smith, ryan leary, jake fordyce all the hardworking people at ml watersports, all the people that had something to do with the wakeskate mag,, and everyone that is pushing wakeboarding and wakeskating to its full potential..... thank you
Philosophy of life: be happy, stay posative
2025 Best Results:
2024 Best Results:
n.b. some results may not be included in current rankings.
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