New User Registration Form

ALL fields are required.
A password will be generated automatically and will be sent to the given email address below.
After registration, take your chosen username and the password to log in.
If there is no successful login in the next 14 days to your account, the server will delete your account.

* indicates a required field

* indicates public data

E-Mail Address (also username): *
First Name: * *
Second Name (Family Name): * *
Birthday (YYYY-MM-DD): * *
Country: * *
T-Shirt size: * *
Gender: * *

I agree that will send some emails (no ads!) for informational reason.

IWWF is committed to protecting you and your family's personal information. We want our services to be safe and enjoyable environments for everyone. This site aims to help you to understand what information we might collect about you and how we use it.

When you register on this website or submit personal details, email, write to us or phone us, we may use your personal information in order to respond to your comment, complaint or question, we will also use your information for Competition administration for any competition you enter on Your information is very important to us and we look after your information carefully in line with data protection and privacy laws. We've set out in more detail what information we collect about you and how we use that information. You can read the full detail of our privacy policy here below.

By accessing and using our services, you are agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy.


Please check the required data fileds and checkboxes. Make sure to use the format YYYY-MM-DD for your birthday.