
2023-04-01 - Int. Event
INTL 4 STAR Cold Water Classic, Lakeside Paradise Knokke Heist

There are 14 rider who joined this competition.

Name: Region: Country: Born in: Approved*: Bib
Louis "Loulou" Eggerickx E&A Belgium 2005
Dennis "Bobby" Hildebrand E&A Germany 1995
Mike Pfauth E&A Netherlands 1992
Steven "Steef" Van der holst E&A Netherlands 1992
Mike Wise E&A Poland 1986
Elian Coosemans E&A Belgium 2007
Noah "Noah" Ferson E&A Belgium 2005
Nevio Mael "Vio" Herold E&A Germany 2011
Simon "Sim" Masure E&A Belgium 2010
Callum Saunders E&A Great Britain 2006

*Approved: Riders are approved once the competition organiser has validated entry and payment. Please check the bulletin for additional requirements.