
2024-09-27 - Nat. 3 Star Event - National Championships
NAT 3 STAR Belgian Nationals 2024, Terhills Cablepark

There are 11 rider who joined this competition.

Name: Region: Country: Born in: Approved*: Bib
Antoine "Tof" Le Pavec E&A Belgium 1982
Antoine "Potshort" OLIVIER E&A Belgium 1989
clement "Papey" papeil E&A France 1985
Joren Schop E&A Belgium 1993
Sarah Beuls E&A Belgium 1992
Marius "Marius" Dufour E&A Belgium 2012
Simon "Sim" Masure E&A Belgium 2010
Vincent "Vinny" vander veken E&A Belgium 2010
Warre Schrauwen E&A Belgium 2009
Fenne "Fenne" Roumans E&A Belgium 2008

*Approved: Riders are approved once the competition organiser has validated entry and payment. Please check the bulletin for additional requirements.